Nepra warns Discos: fix billing errors or face consequences

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WEB DESK: The National Electric Power Regulatory Authority (Nepra) has issued a directive to Distribution Companies (Discos) and Karachi Electric (KE) to address various issues, including the replacement of defective metres, rectification of incorrect billing, and charging consumers based on actual data.

This decision comes in response to numerous complaints from across Pakistan regarding excessive and incorrect billing practices by Discos and Karachi Electric Limited (KEL).

Complaints included delayed monthly metre readings, average billing, and metre readings without snapshots.

Consequently, the protected/lifeline billing status/tariff for less-user consumers was changed to non-protected/non-lifeline in July and August 2023.

In an effort to address these concerns, Nepra provided an opportunity for a hearing with distribution companies on September 13, 2023.

However, Discos failed to provide sufficient justification. Subsequently, Nepra constituted an inquiry committee comprising Nepra professionals to delve deeper into the matter.

The committee submitted a comprehensive report outlining numerous violations by all Discos, detailing discrepancies, violations, and contraventions.

This report was published on Nepra’s official website on December 4, 2023. Despite its publication, Discos failed to take remedial measures to resolve the highlighted billing issues.

As a response, the authority decided to initiate legal proceedings against the delinquent companies.

Explanations were issued to all distribution companies on December 22, 2023, under Regulation 4(1) and (2) of the Nepra (Fines) Regulations, 2021, requiring them to admit or deny the violations within 15 days.

According to Brecorder, after examining the replies, the authority found them unsatisfactory.

Additionally, an independent committee formed by the Power Division investigated issues raised by Nepra. The Government of Pakistan (GoP) Inquiry Report of December 26, 2023, highlighted areas for improvement.

Despite having reasonable cause to believe that violations occurred, Nepra, instead of immediately issuing directions for legal action, has decided to issue this directive in the greater interest of consumers and the sector.

This provides distribution companies with an opportunity to address consumer grievances before any legal proceedings are initiated.

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