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K-Electric seeks nine-month fuel price adjustment from NEPRA
- Web Desk
- Apr 29, 2024
KARACHi: Karachi’s denizens are likely to be struck with another hike in power tariffs, as K-Electric, Karachi’s leading electric utility provider, has submitted a request to the National Electric Power Regulatory Authority (NEPRA) seeking a nine-month fuel price adjustment.
The application, covering the period from July 2023 to March 2024, is aimed at recovering costs under the fuel cost adjustment (FCA) mechanism.
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According to the petition filed by K-Electric, the company has requested an extension of eight months under the FCA.
Furthermore, the company has cited a cumulative increase of Rs 18.86 for seven out of the nine months under concern. While for the remaining two months, K-Electric has proposed a reduction of 29 paise per unit in electricity prices for two months.
The plea is set to be heard by NEPRA on May 9, where further deliberations will take place regarding the proposed adjustments.