


2024: Top 10 songs Pakistanis were vibing to this year!


“My neighbours listen to good music, whether they like it or not”

As 2024 wraps up, it’s that time again for the social media aficionados amongst us to take to Instagram, Twitter and what not to flaunt their sonic journeys of the year. Thanks to platforms like YouTube and Spotify, now we get a prepared list of the songs that blasted the most out of our earbuds or speakers. But while we know what we listened to throughout the year, ever wondered what was playing the car next to you when you stopped at the red light, or what your neighbours listened to while you were tuned into your music?

Spotify has spilled the bean on that one too. Here are the top five songs that Pakistan vibed to during 2024!

Anuv Jain really got a hold of Pakistanis’ heartstrings securing two out of top three spots in the nation’s most listened tracks this year. His song “Husn” landed right atop the list, with “Jo Tum Mere Ho” trailing closely behind at the third spot.

Pakistan’s very own Coke Studio managed to grasp the spot between these two songs with “Jhol” at number two.

Staying true to the love and romance theme, which seemed to have had a hold on the music listeners in the country, the fourth top listened song was “Ishq” by the trio Amir Ameer, Faheem Abdullah, and Rauhan Malik.

Hasan Raheem’s Adhay moments thay bleak kaafi saarey thay frantic lyrics really resonated with the Pakistanis in 2024 and landed his “Wishes” on the fifth spot at the Top tracks list for Pakistan.

By the time the country went through the top five songs, some semblance of reality probably started setting in with the sixth top song on the list being “Tu Hai Kahan” by the AUR band – including Usama Ali, Ahad Khan, and Raffey Anwar.

Let’s take a moment here to think about yet another beautiful song by the same name, and by Haroon Rashid, Junaid Jamshed, and Strings released in 2003. Ah nostalgia!

Vishal Mishra and Raj Shekhar from across the border brought the banger “Pehle Bhi Main” and Pakistanis took to it like ducks to water, landing the song seventh on the list. Part of the reason for this song’s popularity could be the fact that it was part of the Animal movie soundtrack (controversy alert!), but it did land on the list, so here goes nothing:

Shubh managed to capture twice the attention of Pakistanis with “King Sh*t” and “One Love” capturing the eighth and ninth spot on our Pakistani’s most listened songs list.

The nation then collectively decided to close the list with the cryptically titled “9:45” by yet another trio from India. Instead of spoiling it for you, we’ll let you give the song a listen yourself!

And there you have it – top ten songs listened by Pakistanis in 2024, with Spotify keeping a record for us to look back on and remember this year!

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