Contamination detected in Parliament House, lodges’ water

Parliament House

ISLAMABAD: Members of Parliament have received an alarming alert regarding the safety of their drinking water.

The Pakistan Council of Research in Water Resources recently submitted a report to the National Assembly Secretariat, highlighting the presence of contaminated water in both the Parliament House and the lodges.

A comprehensive three-month water testing report revealed concerning findings. Samples collected from six locations within the Parliament House, including the Deputy Speaker Chamber, all exhibited signs of contamination. Whether from water coolers, overhead tanks, or taps, the water was deemed unsafe for consumption.

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In the Parliament Lodges, water from tanks in three blocks was found to be unusable. The only safe water reportedly came from the central filtration plant. The responsibility for water supply to these crucial government buildings lies with the Capital Development Authority (CDA).

CDA officials attributed the contamination to reduced water usage, which led to bacterial accumulation in the pipes. While the present bacteria are not highly dangerous or poisonous, prompt action is necessary to address the issue, they said.

The CDA official stated, “We conducted tests on water samples from Parliament House and the lodges. The results indicated that no harmful or toxic elements were present in the contaminated water.”

However, they acknowledged the need for more frequent cleaning of water coolers and tanks, recommending a shift from every six months to every three months. Workers are scheduled to begin this cleaning process on Monday, April 1.

Meanwhile, officials from the National Assembly have confirmed that the speaker is aware of the situation and is actively monitoring it. They assured that appropriate action will be taken against those responsible once identified.

Expressing deep concern over the unsafe drinking water, parliamentarians have vowed to demand legal action against negligent individuals once they are pinpointed.

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