


Govt’s ‘reforms committee’ responds to Dr Kaiser Bengali’s criticism

Dr Kaiser Bengali

ISLAMABAD: The federal government’s reforms committee has termed Dr Kaiser Bengali’s opinion based on a lack of communication or understanding.

Dr Kaiser Bengali, a member of three government committees, stepped down from all positions on Saturday.

Citing his reason for parting with the government committees, the eminent economist said that the government did not seem serious in reducing its expenditures.

Dr Kaiser Bengali was a member of the Austerity Committee, the Right Sizing Committee and the Government Expenditure Committee.

In response to Dr Kaiser Bengali’s observations, the committee stated that it values his input, and as an honorable member of the committee, Dr Kaiser Bengali provided important suggestions during the first phase of the right-sizing exercise.

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The statement issued by the government explained that six ministries and institutions have been reviewed in the first phase. The review recommended the abolition of one ministry and the merger of two others, potentially resulting in the elimination of at least two BS-22 posts and several BS-17 to BS-21 posts.

Additionally, the government is considering necessary amendments to the Civil Servants Act, 1973, to create a compulsory retirement package that is equally applicable to all civil servants.

The government’s response further stated that Dr Kaiser Bengali’s observations were due to a lack of communication or understanding. The committee clarified that all grades, from grade 1 to grade 22, are involved in the right-sizing process and that about 60,000 posts may be deemed surplus.

The committee emphasised that it is evaluating ministries, departments, autonomous bodies, and government agencies according to impartial and clear criteria.

While respecting Dr Kaiser Bengali’s opinion, the committee maintained that his concerns stem from a lack of communication and understanding.

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