‘Green Impact Cleanup Drive’ at Islamabad promotes environmental awareness

COP 28

ISLAMABAD: The upcoming 28th Conference of the Parties to the Convention (COP) presents a significant opportunity for Pakistan to engage in discussions regarding the support of nations most affected by climate change, UAE’s Ambassador to Pakistan Hamad Obaid Al-Zaabi said, during the ‘Green Impact Cleanup Drive,’ event held at Islamabad.

The drive was co-organized by the UAE embassy, the Capital Development Authority (CDA), Serena Hotels and Ismaili Civic Pakistan. “Pakistan is one of the top five countries affected by climate change,” Al-Zaabi told media.

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The UAE will host the COP28 from November 30 to December 12, and it is expected to draw approximately 70,000 participants, including heads of state, government officials, industry leaders, representatives from the private sector, academics, experts, youth, and various non-state actors.

Pakistan is recognized among the countries most affected by climate change around the world and has been actively engaged in climate change discussions and initiatives.

During COP27 held in Egypt last year, Pakistan led a coalition of 134 nations in advocating for the establishment of a Loss and Damage Fund to provide compensation to countries facing the severest consequences of climate change.

The event held in Islamabad had the objective of advocating for environmental preservation and sustainable behaviors while increasing awareness about the detrimental effects of littering and the usage of single-use plastics.

It drew the participation of individuals from the diplomatic services, civil society, students, and the general public.

Ambassador Al-Zaabi underscored the UAE’s commitment to addressing climate change and environmental challenges, stating that COP28 would also include a review of the Paris Agreement.

He stressed the need for the international community to shoulder greater responsibilities and generate innovative solutions to mitigate the impacts of climate change.

Kuwait’s Ambassador to Pakistan, Nassar Abdulrahman Al-Mutairi, expressed his satisfaction at witnessing the participation of children in the cleanup drive, reflecting the collective effort to maintain a clean and sustainable environment.

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