Nawaz Sharif’s heart condition confirmed by UK Hospital medical report

nawaz sharif medical report

LAHORE: A medical report from Britain’s Royal Brompton Hospital has confirmed that Nawaz Sharif continues to suffer from a heart problem, as disclosed on Friday in the Lahore High Court.

The report, authored by consultant cardiologist Professor Carlo Di Mario, was presented to the Lahore High Court.

According to the medical report, Nawaz Sharif requires ongoing medical attention both in Pakistan and London due to diabetes and other health issues. Professor Carlo Di Mario stated, “The patient has been undergoing continuous check-ups due to his previous bypass surgery and angioplasty. We administered treatment to improve his initial anti-anginal therapy.”

Nawaz Sharif books flight to return home

Nawaz Sharif had been unable to return to Pakistan due to angina symptoms and the COVID-19 pandemic. As his health condition worsened, a decision was made to perform a second angioplasty, which took place in November 2022. During this procedure, stents were also inserted.

Professor Carlo Di Mario serves as an honorary consultant cardiologist at Royal Brompton & Harefield Hospitals, where he provides care to private patients.

PML-N Quaid Nawaz Sharif is scheduled to return to Pakistan on October 21 after spending four years in self-imposed exile in the United Kingdom. The party leadership is currently considering the possibility of applying for his bail in court before his return, as Nawaz Sharif was convicted in the Al-Azizia Mills and Avenfield corruption cases in 2018, which remain under legal review.

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