Sindh govt announces public holiday for Karachi tomorrow

holiday for Karachi

KARACHI: The Sindh government has announced a holiday in Karachi on Saturday to mark the annual Urs of Abdullah Shah Ghazi.

Mayor Karachi Murtaza Wahab stated that a local holiday had been declared, and all offices within the Karachi municipality limits would remain closed on Saturday. However, offices providing essential services will remain open, he said.

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It is the second day of the annual Urs of Sufi saint Hazrat Syed Abdullah Shah Ghazi in Karachi, which will continue until June 29.

A large number of pilgrims from across the country continue to arrive to participate in the Urs, with strict security arrangements in place.

On Thursday, Sindh Governor Kamran Tesuri visited the shrine and initiated the three-day Urs celebrations by laying a chador on the mausoleum of the saint.

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