How to keep hydrated during Ramazan?

Hydration Ramazan

Ramazan, a holy month for Muslims worldwide, is a time for spiritual reflection, devotion, and community. However, the daily fast from dawn to dusk can pose a challenge of dehydration, especially in hot weather.

Dehydration can lead to a host of health problems, ranging from fatigue, headaches and dizziness to constipation.

Here are some practical tips to ensure you stay hydrated and energised throughout Ramazan


Water-rich foods: Add water-rich fruits and vegetables such as cucumbers, watermelons, tomatoes and oranges to the meal. Not only are they a source of essential nutrients, but they also contribute towards the body’s fluid storage.

Soups and smoothies: Opt for warm soups or make hydrating smoothies made with fruits, veggies and yogurt. You can create electrolyte-rich smoothies using ingredients like coconut water, bananas, spinach and almonds. Blend these together to make a hydrating and nutritious beverage that helps replenish electrolytes lost through sweating during fasting.

Gradual water intake: Instead of chugging large gulps of water space out your water consumption throughout the meal by drinking slowly and steadily.


Rehydration: the traditional practice of breaking the fast with dates and water supports hydration. Dates provide natural sugars and electrolytes to kickstart the rehydrating process

 Avoid dehydrating drinks: Avoid sugary and caffeinated beverages immediately after breaking the fast. They can make dehydration worse as they have diuretic effects, causing increased urination. Opt for water, herbal teas or fresh juices instead.

 Continue with water: Throughout the evening, make a conscious effort to continue drinking water at regular intervals to maintain hydration. This prevents overloading the stomach and reduces the risk of discomfort.

Skip salty and spicy foods: Eating salty and spicy foods can increase thirst and lead to dehydration

During Ramazan, try to consume moderate amounts of salt and choose mild spices.


Be mindful of how your body feels. Paying attention to your thirst cues is essential, so don’t wait until you feel extremely dehydrated to drink water.

Prioritising rest: Provide your body essential sleep and rest to take on the day, and practice things like deep breathing, meditation, and keep your mind at peace.

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