Palestinian-Israeli actress Maisa Abdel Hadi detained over social media post

WEB DESK: Palestinian-Israeli actress Maisa Abdel Hadi has been taken into custody on charges of “incitement to terrorism” due to a social media post discussing Hamas’s attack on Israel on October 7.

The arrest, which occurred in the northern Israeli city of Nazareth, where Hadi resides and holds Israeli citizenship, led to her detention until Thursday, according to police sources.

Hadi’s case is part of a growing trend where Palestinian Israelis are being detained for their social media posts related to the ongoing conflict.

In her post, Hadi allegedly shared an image depicting a bulldozer breaching the fence between the Gaza Strip and Israel during the October 7 attack by Hamas. Israel contends that this attack resulted in over 1,400 casualties.

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However, the Hamas government in Gaza reports a significantly higher death toll, with more than 5,000 individuals killed in Israel’s retaliatory strikes on the coastal territory.

In her caption, Hadi made a reference to the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989, stating, “Let’s go Berlin-style.” She is now facing charges of supporting terrorism, as confirmed by her attorney, Jaafar Farah, who also serves as the director of the human rights association Mousawat. The 37-year-old actor has appeared in numerous television series, films, and plays.

Another Palestinian-Israeli, the singer Dalal Abu Amneh, was briefly detained this week for a social media post as well. According to rights advocates and Israeli law enforcement, members of Israel’s Arab minority and Palestinians in East Jerusalem have faced repercussions such as job terminations, college expulsions, and arrests for expressing solidarity with Gaza residents since the recent escalation of violence between Israel and Hamas.

It’s worth noting that Palestinian-Israelis constitute one-fifth of Israel’s population.

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