- Web Desk
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Super blue moon begins around the world
- Web Desk
- Aug 30, 2023
Web Desk: Super Blue Moon has begun all over the world. The moon is exceptionally close to Earth, about 14 per cent larger and 30 per cent brighter than usual. This full moon is the second to occur in the month of August, the first full moon occurred on August 1.
The super blue moon will not be seen until 2037.
🛑SUPER BLUE MOON 🌕 – GO OUTSIDE RIGHT NOW AND SEE THE SKY! Tonight & especially on early 31 August 2023, Super Blue Moon will be seen all over the #World including #Pakistan, #BlueMoon does not mean that the color of the moon will be blue, but the moon of the fourteenth seen… pic.twitter.com/0BXLilQsff
— PakWeather.com (@Pak_Weather) August 30, 2023
As per NASA, blue supermoons are an exceptionally rare occurrence. NASA notes that these moons typically manifest once every decade owing to specific astronomical circumstances. However, at times, the gap between occurrences of blue supermoons can extend to as much as twenty years. Although blue moons constitute only 3 per cent of all full moons, supermoons make up approximately 25 per cent of the total full moon events.