CM Punjab wants to boost women’s strength in police

CM Punjab police force

Chief Minister Punjab Maryam Nawaz has declared that her government wants to boost women’s strength in police by increasing their numbers to half in the force.

Maryam Nawaz said this while addressing a police passing-out parade at Chuhng Police Training Centre in Lahore on Thursday.

Clad in a police uniform herself, Maryam Nawaz inspected the parade where she was given a guard of honour. She also distributed prizes among the top performers from the Police Training College.

She was accompanied by IG Punjab Usman Anwar in the ceremony.

“In the past, whenever I attended such gatherings, I would notice that women police officers were shouldering heavy weapons, while their male counterparts held higher positions. It used to bring me joy to witness their presence. I told the Inspector General of Punjab that the number of female officers, currently at 7,000, is quite low and should be increased. Women are superheroes; we are not only mothers and daughters but also capable of fulfilling our responsibilities with utmost dedication and hard work.”

She further stated, “I extend my greetings to all of you, and I am thrilled that the first-ever ‘Award of Honor’ has been bestowed upon a female police officer. I am proud of all of you. Since the day I took the oath of Chief Minister, I had been eagerly awaiting this ceremony.”

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Maryam Nawaz shared her experience in the speech, revealing that the police uniform she was wearing made her realize that this is an immense responsibility.

“However, I make decisions, and when you act upon them, your responsibility becomes even greater. Women have a soft heart and often forgive many things, but when it comes to this position, fairness must prevail. There should be no room in your hearts for oppressors,” she said.

The Chief Minister of Punjab pointed out that there is injustice in the society, and the oppressors should be punished.

“I congratulate everyone. These daughters will not let their parents’ heads bow down,” she stated in her speech.

She concluded her speech by expressing support for other women, labeling them as her ‘daughter.’

“Whatever they aspire to do, let them do it. If they do what they desire, they will become a source of pride for you and the country,” she said.

Accompanied by Punjab IGP Usman Anwan, the chief minister also distributed prizes among the top performers from the Police Training Centre.

During her address, Maryam Nawaz said there are around 7,000 women in the police force and her government wanted to raise these numbers.

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