Dozens land in hospitals as Karachi swelters at 41 degrees

Karachi heatwave

KARACHI: As temperatures soared to 41 degrees Celsius on Monday, the residents of Karachi struggled to cope with the intense heat.

Over the past four days, more than 70 individuals affected by the severe heat have sought treatment at Civil Hospital and Jinnah Hospital.

Dr. Nizam, AMS of Civil Hospital, reported that 67 heat-affected individuals were brought to the emergency ward. Most of these were elderly or suffering from various ailments. After receiving treatment, all but three were discharged in stable condition. Dr. Nizam also clarified that none of the patients were suffering from heatstroke.

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At Jinnah Hospital, three patients affected by the heat were admitted today, with a total of 12 patients arriving over the past four days. The in-charge of the emergency department confirmed that the heatstroke ward is fully operational.

Meanwhile, Chief Meteorologist Sardar Sarfaraz noted that Karachi is expected to experience a partial heatwave for the next two days. The change in wind direction is causing the increased perception of heat.

A drop in temperature is anticipated after these two days, and the monsoon season is expected to commence in the first week of July.

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