Maryam Nawaz deepfake video goes viral

Maryam Nawaz deepfake video

ISLAMABAD: A video allegedly featuring Maryam Nawaz, the first female Chief Minister of Punjab, dancing alongside two individuals while donning a police uniform, has gained widespread traction on social media.

However, investigations have confirmed it to be a deepfake, a sophisticated form of artificial intelligence-generated video.

Originally surfacing on TikTok, the video portrays Maryam Nawaz engaging in dance moves set to music alongside two companions. Despite its dissemination across various platforms and the belief of some viewers in its authenticity, upon closer scrutiny, unmistakable signs of manipulation emerge, indicating that Maryam Nawaz’s likeness was digitally superimposed onto the footage.

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The creator of this deepfake video, identified as TikTok user Nabeel Khattak, uploaded it to his account “Nabeelptitiger2.” Subsequently, other users circulated the video with different soundtracks.

This incident isn’t the first time Maryam Nawaz has fallen victim to deepfake technology. In a similar occurrence in 2023, another fabricated video depicting her delivering a speech containing controversial remarks went viral.

The prevalence of deepfakes presents a significant challenge, as they can be utilized to propagate misinformation and tarnish individuals’ reputations. This underscores the critical importance of exercising discernment when encountering online content and remaining vigilant regarding the potential for manipulated videos.

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