Minister assures full water allocation to all provinces

Musadik Malik says no water shortage in Pakistan

ISLAMABAD: Federal Minister for Water Resources, Musadik Malik, assured the National Assembly on Monday that there is currently no water shortage in Pakistan, and all provinces are receiving their full water allocation as stipulated by the Indus River System Authority (IRSA) accord.

Addressing a calling attention notice concerning a reported 29 percent water deficit in Sindh during the early Kharif season and the diversion of water flow into the Link Canal, Malik clarified that IRSA had resolved in its May 13 meeting to distribute water among provinces according to the established shares.

“There is no present water shortage, and every province is receiving 100 percent of their allocated water share as per the IRSA agreement,” stated Malik. He emphasised that IRSA comprises representatives from all provinces, ensuring that all decisions are made through consensus.

Concerning the Link Canal issue, Malik explained that the responsibility for water provision to canals lies with the respective provinces. He also provided detailed water release statistics to the assembly members.

Malik concluded by reiterating that there is no water shortage anticipated for the Kharif season, underscoring the government’s commitment to equitable water distribution.

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