Pakistan heatwave: Temperatures soaring above 50 degrees

heatwave pakistan

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan is currently under an intense heatwave, with temperatures in some regions soaring past the 50-degree Celsius mark.

The severe heat has prompted widespread concerns and forced residents to take extraordinary measures to cope with the sweltering conditions.

In Mohenjo-daro, the highest temperature was recorded at a staggering 51 degrees Celsius. Other regions are also suffering under extreme heat, with Sukkur and Dadu reaching 49 degrees, and Mithi and Nawabshah recording 47 degrees.

Dera Ghazi Khan experienced 48 degrees, while Multan and Bahawalpur saw the mercury rise to 46 degrees. Dera Ismail Khan reported 45 degrees, and Lahore and Bannu each recorded 43 degrees. Peshawar and Muzaffarabad experienced 41 degrees, Islamabad recorded 40 degrees, and Karachi saw a relatively lower, yet scorching, 37 degrees.

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Across the country, people are braving the heat by staying indoors during peak hours, increasing their water intake, and using traditional cooling methods such as wet cloths and hand fans.

The health authorities have issued advisories urging the public to avoid unnecessary outdoor activities, wear light clothing, and remain hydrated.

In urban areas, frequent power outages have added to the misery, making it difficult for residents to rely on air conditioning and electric fans. Water shortages have also been reported in some regions, exacerbating the situation.

The Pakistan heatwave has particularly impacted daily wage workers, who must work outside to earn their livelihood.

Emergency response centers have been set up to provide immediate assistance to those affected by heat-related illnesses. Hospitals have been put on high alert to handle an expected increase in cases of heat exhaustion and heatstroke.

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