Pakistan’s plastic bag consumption soars to 55 billion annually

Plastic bags consumption in Pakistan

WEB DESK: Pakistan consumes an astonishing 55 billion plastic bags annually, a figure projected to rise by 15 per cent each year, according to Senator Sherry Rehman, Chairperson of the Senate Standing Committee on Climate Change.

Senator Rehman highlighted these alarming statistics on World Plastic Bag Free Day, urging the nation to reconsider its reliance on plastic.

In her message marking the International Plastic Bag Free Day, Senator Rehman called attention to the severe environmental repercussions of rampant plastic bag use.

She pointed out that single-use plastic bags contribute significantly to water stagnation, littering, and harm to human health, as well as aquatic and wildlife ecosystems.

“Plastic bags take hundreds of years to decompose, creating long-lasting environmental and health hazards. Every city, large and small, in Pakistan is grappling with the challenges of plastic waste management,” Senator Rehman stated.

Despite numerous initiatives to curb plastic bag usage, progress has been hindered by a lack of viable alternatives, slow policy implementation, and limited public awareness. Senator Rehman stressed the importance of individual action in addressing this issue.

“Every citizen must reduce their reliance on plastic products, including bags, embrace eco-friendly alternatives, and adhere strictly to anti-plastic regulations,” she urged.

The senator’s message highlights the critical need for collective action to combat plastic pollution and protect Pakistan’s environment for future generations.

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