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President approves increase in legal marriage age for Pakistan’s Christians
- Web Desk
- Jul 23, 2024
ISLAMABAD: President Asif Zardari has approved the Christian Marriage Amendment Act 2024, bringing changes to the marriage laws for the Christian community in Pakistan.
Under the new Act, the legal age of marriage for both men and women in the Christian community is now set at 18 years. This amendment marks a significant shift from the previous regulations, where the legal age for marriage was 16 years for men and 13 years for women.
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The amendment will standardise the marriage age across different communities in Pakistan and align with international norms on marriage age, ensuring the protection and welfare of young individuals.
The move has been welcomed by human rights activists and various Christian organisations who have long advocated for raising the legal marriage age to prevent child marriages and promote gender equality.
The implementation of the Christian Marriage Amendment Act 2024 is expected to have a positive impact on the lives of young Christians, allowing them more time to pursue education and personal development before entering into marriage.