SJC issues show-cause notice to Justice Mazahar Naqvi


ISLAMABAD: The Supreme Judicial Council (SJC) has issued a show-cause notice to Justice Sayyad Mazahar Ali Akbar Naqvi for allegedly misusing his authority and violating the code of conduct for judges.

The SJC, chaired by Chief Justice of Pakistan Qazi Faez Isa, directed Justice Naqvi to submit a written reply by November 10.

Justice Naqvi came under scrutiny after former interior minister Rana Sanaullah released an audio clip of an alleged conversation between him and former Punjab chief minister Parvez Elahi. The Pakistan Bar Council then announced to file a reference against Justice Naqvi.

The complainant, Mian Dawood, a lawyer of the high court, accused Justice Naqvi and his family members of being involved in malpractices and abuse of power in a “criminal designed pattern” during his service.

CJP summons Supreme Judicial Commission meeting

The SJC also disposed of a reference against former NAB chairman Javed Iqbal, saying that it was not competent to inquire into the matter.

The reference against Javed Iqbal was filed in 2019, but the SJC could only take up cases against NAB officials after the NAB laws were amended in 2022.

The SJC meeting was attended by Justice Sardar Tariq Masood, Justice Ijazul Ahsan, Chief Justice Lahore High Court Amir Bhatti, Chief Justice Balochistan High Court Justice Naeem Akhtar Afghan, Supreme Court Registrar Jazeela Islam and the Attorney General for Pakistan.

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