Tessori announces free solar panels for households consuming up to 300 units

solar panels

KARACHI: Sindh Governor Kamran Tessori has announced a significant new initiative involving the installation of free solar panels for households consuming up to 300 units of electricity.

 “Those who are paying rent and have children under 10 years of age will have free solar panels installed at their homes,” he explained, ensuring up to 300 units of free electricity for households through solar power.

The Sindh governor confirmed that overseas Pakistanis have given the green signal for this project, highlighting a phased approach to free solar installations.

During his media talk, he condemned the recent incident of animal cruelty in Sanghar and called for immediate action to arrest those responsible.

He expressed deep concern over the incident where a camel’s leg was amputated in Sanghar, urging collective repentance.

 “We should all collectively ask for forgiveness from Allah,” he said, adding that he has already announced a gift of two camels to the injured camel’s owner. Tessori also called for swift justice, asking the Sindh police chief to arrest the accused within 24 hours. “If such people are left scot-free, this nation will bear the brunt of such acts in the future,” he warned.

“We went to Hyderabad and distributed over Rs500 million among the residents,” he stated, referring to recent financial aid efforts. This year, he said, the Governor House will sacrifice 100 camels, and the meat will be distributed among the needy and deserving. Additionally, he mentioned that ration packs will be provided to 20,000 people, similar to last year’s efforts. “The sacrificial meat will be delivered to the needy,” he confirmed.

Governor Tessori also highlighted ongoing initiatives, including education and support programmes. “50,000 children are studying in Governor House,” he noted, emphasizing the continued ration distribution to millions of families. He mentioned that motorcycles are being given, in phases, to people whose motorcycles have been stolen. He also highlighted the provision of 8,000 free laptops to students over the past two years.

Tessori concluded by reaffirming his commitment to fulfilling promises made by the Governor’s House, referencing the recent fulfillment of a promise to provide Rs500 million to 27 families in Hyderabad. “The announcements that were made from the Governor’s House till today have been fulfilled,” he remarked, underscoring his administration’s dedication to the welfare of Sindh’s residents.

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