Man arrested for allegedly selling fake US visas to childhood friends

fake us visa scam pakistan

WEB DESK: The Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) Cybercrime Circle has initiated legal proceedings against a man accused of defrauding his childhood friends through counterfeit US visa scams.

Identified as Sheikh Muhammad Hudifa, the suspect allegedly masqueraded as a US-based employee, exploiting his personal relationships to swindle approximately Rs1.5 million from his victims via online transactions.

Under the guise of representing a US-based food chain, Hudifa reportedly fabricated emails and WhatsApp messages, persuading his friends, including siblings Syed Muazam and Muhammad Muiz, to part with their passports for supposed visa interviews at the US consulate in Karachi.

Subsequently, after gaining possession of their passports, Hudifa purportedly issued falsified US visas to the unsuspecting brothers.

Despite initial contact upon his return to Pakistan, Hudifa abruptly ceased communication by deactivating his phone.

Upon realising the deception, the victims sought recourse at the US consulate in Karachi, only to uncover the fraudulent nature of their purported visas.

According to ARY News, the FIA Cybercrime Circle has since launched an investigation into the matter, aiming to unravel the extent of Hudifa’s alleged fraudulent activities.

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