Islamabad authorities deny PTI’s request to protest

ICT Administration on Friday denied PTI's request for protest citing section 144 of Pakistan constitution

ISLAMABAD: The Islamabad Capital Territory (ICT) Administration firmly denied a protest request from the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaaf (PTI) on Friday.

The ICT administration cited the enforcement of Section 144 in the city. The district administration said that under this provision, no protests will be permitted within the city limits under any circumstances.

The district administration urged citizens to refrain from participating in any political gatherings. “The Islamabad Police have been directed to take swift action against individuals engaging in protest activities”, it said.

Read more: Saad Rafique suggests PTI-backed candidates form coalition government with PPP

Section 144 of the Code of Criminal Procedure within the Pakistani constitution grants district administrations the authority to issue orders in the public interest.

These orders may include bans on specific activities for designated periods. The enforcement of such bans falls under the jurisdiction of the police who can then register cases against violators.

Earlier, in a post on X, the PTI said that “Imran Khan has called for a peaceful protest by the whole nation on the open insult of the public mandate tomorrow”.

The party urged “people from all walks of life should come out of their homes tomorrow and raise their voices of protest in a very peaceful but effective manner against the open disrespect of the right of the constitution, democracy and the people’s vote.”

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