Maryam Nawaz vows to defeat opposition through her performance

Maryam Nawaz

LAHORE: Punjab Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz Sharif has vowed that she is here to serve the masses and will defeat the opposition through her performance.

Addressing the Punjab Assembly, she listed 100 day performance of her government and promised sweeping changes in various sectors for uplift of the people of the province.

“It is impossible for me to summarize what we have done in 100 days in one budget speech,” the Punjab chief minister added.

The opposition members raised slogans when she started her speech.

In response to the opposition tearing up copies of the agenda and shouting slogans like “Shame”, Maryam Nawaz reacted strongly, saying, “They should have been ashamed when they were attacking their own country and misusing [national assets] in Tosha Khana.”

Maryam Nawaz announced that she will defeat the opposition through her government’s performance. She acknowledged that there are many patriotic individuals within the opposition and mentioned that the opposition is also pleased with the tax-free budget. She highlighted that the opposition has nothing to criticize about the largest budget in Punjab’s history.

CM Maryam announced that she would defeat the opposition through her government’s performance. She acknowledged that there are many patriotic individuals within the opposition and mentioned that the opposition is also pleased with the tax-free budget. She highlighted that the opposition has nothing to criticize about the largest budget in Punjab’s history.

CM declared that the government has not initiated any temporary projects and assured that projects will commence after the budget is approved. She claimed, “No one has ever provided such an educated cabinet in the history of Punjab.”

She said, “I have fulfilled every promise I made to the people of Punjab.” She emphasized that no new taxes were imposed in the 2024-25 budget and announced her commitment to fulfilling her promises made in the House within one year.

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Maryam Nawaz highlighted that, for the first time in history, the government’s investment in health and education is unprecedented. She added that the prices of essential items such as flour, bread, sugar, ghee, vegetables, and bakery products have all decreased.

Maryam announced the resumption of the laptop scheme for students in Punjab. She also shared that she had been informed that many children go to school without breakfast. In response, she announced that free milk will be provided to the primary classes’ students up to the fifth grade in schools after summer vacations. Additionally, fees for deserving children will be paid, and free wheelchairs will be provided to the disabled.
The Chief Minister assured that no appointments will be made based on recommendations.

Maryam Nawaz stated that Nawaz Sharif was a true leader of the nation who always upheld fairness, saying, “If there is one AC in Imran Khan’s jail, install two.” She emphasized that he has never used power against the opposition.

Maryam added, “It is very easy to take revenge when in power, but we have not taken any retaliatory actions against anyone.” She affirmed that neither Nawaz Sharif nor Shehbaz Sharif has ever harmed any opponent.

Maryam expressed her deep gratitude to Nawaz Sharif for his daily guidance and assistance, and she also thanked Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif for his encouragement.

She appreciated her cabinet members for their hard work in facilitating the public, noting that inflation in the province has decreased and free medicines have been restarted in public hospitals.

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