Pakistan Blockchain Institute launches programmes in emerging technologies

emerging technologies

LAHORE: Pakistan Blockchain Institute (PBI) has successfully launched Pakistan’s first-ever future and emerging technologies and app development-based complete international certification and examination programmes.

Founder and CEO of Pakistan Blockchain Institute (PBI) Ahmad Manzoor formally announced this during an online speech addressed to the global audience.

“This landmark achievement is a revolutionary initiative in Pakistan’s tech education domain. It consists of a professional team of well-versed tech industry and app development professionals as well as future technologies experts having decades of experience under their belt. Manzoor, the founder and CEO of PBI, is leading this globally ambitious initiative. Over the past 25 years, he has been a steadfast supporter of IT-based technical growth in Pakistan. The PBI team has painstakingly created strong certification processes with their partners that adhere to worldwide standards under his inspiring guidance,” said a press release.

The certification and exam programmes are made to accommodate a wide range of users, from novices to seasoned experts in different IT domains. Future technologies including artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), the Internet of things (IoT), quantum computing, blockchain, 5G, and many more are covered in a broad range of topics. Regarding the development of apps, the emphasis is on state-of-the-art frameworks and languages for both web and mobile platforms.

To ensure that these certification programmes are recognised globally, PBI has also formed alliances with a number of national and international organisations, including Edversity, PIE Technologies and Metaserv. These partnerships seek to improve the curriculum, give students around the world access to state-of-the-art research, and enable a smooth learning environment.

Manzoor shed light on the importance of this global initiative, stating, “Our goal is to position Pakistan as a leading hub for education in future technologies and app development. By offering comprehensive certification programs, we are not only empowering our local talent but also making a significant contribution to the global tech community, to make them ready for the future with real knowledge, in my point of view in the upcoming world knowledge is power if you are unable to defend it, you will lose for sure, and if you are unable to learn & unlearn to adopt the new technologies you will not survive in the upcoming race”

The programme’s training modules are taught by seasoned technology experts, guaranteeing that participants obtain excellent instruction.

PBI hopes to build a pool of highly qualified individuals through these programs who can spur innovation and expansion across a range of industries. All in all, the Pakistan Blockchain Institute has accomplished a historic landmark with the introduction of the country’s first thorough certification and assessment programs in blockchain, emerging technologies, and app development.

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