Samsung launches Galaxy A55 amidst confusing price hike for A54

Samsung Galaxy A55 price in Pakistan

ISLAMABAD: Samsung Pakistan has unveiled two highly anticipated additions to its smartphone lineup, the Samsung Galaxy A55 and the Samsung Galaxy A35, in response to burgeoning consumer demand in the Pakistani market.

This unveiling follows weeks of anticipation, particularly after the reduction in price of the Samsung Galaxy A54 to Rs121,000, a move that coincided with its scarcity across various mobile retailers nationwide.

Priced competitively at Rs131,000 for the Samsung Galaxy A55 5G and Rs115,000 for the Galaxy A35 5G, both devices cater to the mid-range segment and are now readily available for purchase on Samsung Pakistan’s official website.

Samsung Galaxy A55 price in Pakistan
Samsung Galaxy A55 price in Pakistan

However, a perplexing revelation awaits potential customers as the previous model, the Samsung Galaxy A54, now carries a price tag of Rs141,000 on the company’s website, seemingly contradicting conventional pricing strategies.

Samsung Galaxy A54 price in Pakistan
Samsung Galaxy A54 price in Pakistan

The disparity in pricing between the older and newer models raises questions among consumers, prompting speculation regarding a potential oversight or error in pricing strategy.

Prior to the introduction of the Samsung Galaxy A55 in Pakistan, the price reduction of the A54 to Rs121,000 had led to its apparent unavailability at numerous Samsung outlets. Limited stock, primarily consisting of black color units, was sporadically available at select outlets, further exacerbating consumer frustration.

The long-awaited introduction of the Samsung Galaxy A55 in Pakistan garnered significant anticipation, especially considering its earlier release in other markets. The ensuing days will undoubtedly shed light on the performance and reception of these new entrants within the Pakistani mobile industry landscape.

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