Fee introduced for domestic flights passengers

domestic flights

ISLAMABAD: The Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) has declared a fee for passengers traveling on domestic flights. A notification has been issued in this regard.

A charge of Rs 100 has been instituted for individuals flying within the country.

At the time of booking a ticket, the travelers will be additionally charged with the newly added charges of RS100, sources in the airlines said. 

CAA has directed all airlines that it would be mandatory to collect the said amount from all domestic passengers, at the time of booking. 

Acting on the directive, the airlines will charge the passengers accordingly and will submit the collected fee on tickets to the Civil Aviation Authority

A formal notification has been issued to implement the collection of this fee on domestic flights passengers.

This initiative falls under the Airport Charges Fee Collection Ordinance, which came into effect starting January 15, as per the CAA announcement.

Read also: CAA issues show cause notices to two airlines over flight delays

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