Report: Unraveling the myths around lab-grown meat

lab-grown meat

BERLIN: A German startup, The Cultivated B, pioneers the move to introduce lab-grown sausages, sparking discussions with the European Food Safety Authority.

According to DW report, although the development is still pending approval, the US has already given the green light for lab-grown chicken sales.

Rumours circulated that lab-grown meat might be made from cancer cells, a concern heightened by the use of immortalised cells. However, food scientists clarified that cells used in the process are derived from stem cells, not cancerous entities.

Meanwhile, Elliot Swartz from the Good Food Institute dismissed the misconception, stating the industry’s incentive to use stable, controllable cells.

According to media reports, regulatory bodies such as the US FDA and the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organisation refuted claims of cancer cells in lab-grown meat, affirming the safety of the process. The FDA clarified that any potential cancerous cells would be destroyed during cooking and digestion.

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Addressing environmental impact, lab-grown meat aims to sidestep the ecological toll of traditional livestock farming, which contributes to significant greenhouse gas emissions. However, a UC Davis study suggests the environmental impact of lab-grown meat production could be higher than conventional beef production using current methods.

Nutrition is another focal point. While traditional meat derives many nutrients from an animal’s diet, lab-grown meat’s nutritional profile depends on the culture medium. Wolfgang Gelbmann of EFSA suggests that lab-grown meat can be equally nutritious, potentially avoiding contaminants found in farmed animals.

Researchers even propose health benefits, suggesting that lab-grown meat could be modified to cater to specific dietary needs. However, with the industry in its early stages, the full spectrum of environmental costs and nutritional benefits remains to be seen. As more startups transition beyond experimentation, a clearer picture will emerge.

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