Science expert unveils game-changing microwave method for Steak perfection


WEB DESK: In a surprising twist to traditional steak preparation, scientist George Vekinis shared on the BBC’s Instant Genius podcast a scientific approach to achieving the perfect steak, advocating an unexpected method involving the omission of salt and a brief stint in the microwave.

Traditionally, many chefs season steaks with a sprinkle of salt before searing them on a hot pan. However, Vekinis challenged this practice, revealing the adverse effects of salt on meat and suggesting an alternative approach for a softer and more tender outcome – the microwave.

Vekinis cautioned against cooking a steak directly from the fridge, stressing that this could impact its texture negatively. Contrary to the popular belief that salt enhances tenderness, Vekinis asserted that it makes the steak chewier and more difficult to eat.

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Explaining the scientific rationale behind ditching salt, Vekinis highlighted salt’s osmotic ability to draw out water from the meat, resulting in a tough and inedible texture.

Instead, he recommended microwaving the steak for one to two minutes, depending on thickness, followed by a quick sear to create a desirable surface reaction.

Highlighting the importance of keeping the frying time short, Vekinis recommended a maximum of one minute on each side, ensuring that the internal temperature reaches a minimum of 55C-60C for the best flavor.

Additionally, he proposed using a modest amount of oil, even in non-stick pans, recognizing the subjective nature of this decision.

Although recognising individual preferences in steak doneness, Vekinis advised aiming for medium-rare, characterized by a slightly red and cooked interior.

His insights on the intersection of science and cooking will be further explored in his upcoming book, “Physics in the Kitchen,” scheduled for release later this year.

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