24 patrolling police officers suspended over corruption charges

12,781 police officers and soldiers would be deployed to oversee security during Eidul Azha prayers across the city, the Additional Inspectors General of police (IG) Karachi announced on Saturday.

FAISALABAD: The Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP) Patrolling Faisalabad on Sunday suspended 24 police officials patrolling post Pansara on corruption charges, on Sunday.

According to the report, SSP Patrolling Mirza Anjum Kamal, in a sting operation, suspended all the staff of Patrolling Post Pansara, including the sub-inspector, ASI, and constables.

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The SSP had received information about the corruption of Pansera post officials. Mirza Anjum Kamal also checked the information with DSP Nasrullah.

Evidence of corruption among officials on the night shift was found. Officials were taking bribes instead of taking action against overloaded trolleys.

SSP Kamal said that corruption and dishonesty will not be tolerated under any circumstances. – INP

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