What are the upcoming public holidays in December for Pakistanis?

Public holidays in December 2023

WEB DESK: Despite there being several days left until Christmas and Quaid-e-Azam day, both falling on December 25th, some individuals may be eager to learn about the upcoming public holidays in the current month of December.

According to the government’s notification released at the beginning of 2023, titled ‘Public and Optional Holidays for the Year 2023,’ the document outlines public and optional holidays for the festivals of Muslims and minorities in Pakistan throughout the calendar year 2023.

As per the notification issued by the Government of Pakistan, December 25, 2023, will be observed as a public holiday in commemoration of Quaid-e-Azam Day and Christmas.

The notification specifies that Monday, December 25th, will be a public holiday across Pakistan.

Additionally, the day following Quaid-e-Azam Day and Christmas, Tuesday, December 26, will be designated as a holiday exclusively for Christians, given that it is the day after Christmas.

Consequently, this arrangement implies that Christians in Pakistan will enjoy two consecutive holidays in the last week of the ongoing month of December.

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