Govt releases 2024 public holiday schedule

Public Holidays 2024 schedule

ISLAMABAD: In an official announcement, the Federal Cabinet Division has released the schedule for public holidays in the year 2024, providing citizens with a roadmap for planned breaks throughout the year.

The year kicks off with Kashmir Day on February 5, commemorating the struggles and sacrifices of the people of Kashmir. Following closely is Pakistan Day on March 23, celebrating the creation of the country.

Eid-ul-Fitr holidays are set for April 10, 11, and 12, marking the end of Ramadan. Additionally, May 1 has been designated as Labor Day, honoring the contributions of workers.

Eid-ul-Adha holidays extend from the 17th to the 19th of June, while Muharram holidays fall on July 16 and 17, coinciding with Ashura Day.

Independence Day, observed on August 14, will grant citizens a day to celebrate the nation’s freedom. Moreover, September 16 is marked as Eid Milad-ul-Nabi, commemorating the birth of Prophet Muhammad.

Iqbal Day on November 9 and Quaid-e-Azam’s birthday on December 25 are recognized as national holidays, allowing citizens to pay homage to these historical figures.

For the non-Muslim population, February 14 offers an optional holiday for Basant Panchami, while March 8 marks an optional holiday for “Shivatri.”

Optional holidays for Shab Mi’raj (February 7) and Shab Barat (February 25) cater to those observing Islamic traditions. The Hindu festival of Holi is scheduled for March 24, followed by Dulahandi on March 25.

March 29 sees Good Friday, and Easter holidays are scheduled for March 31 to April 1. An optional holiday on the 13th is designated for the festival of Yasakhi.

The Bahai community will observe Eid-ul-Rizwan on April 21, while Buddhist Purnima offers an optional holiday on March 23. Parsis will celebrate Nowruz on August 15, marking another optional holiday.

A separate declaration outlines bank holidays, with January 1 set as the first bank holiday of the year. Additionally, an optional New Year holiday is slated for January 1.

This comprehensive holiday schedule ensures that citizens across the country can plan and celebrate key events, fostering a sense of unity and shared heritage.

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