Naqvi warns against laxity over national security plan

Mohsin Naqvi national security plan

ISLAMABAD: Federal Interior Minister Mohsin Naqvi has directed the officials to strictly follow the national security plan and no negligence will be tolerated in its implementation. 

Chairing a meeting at the Ministry of Interior on Saturday, the participants reviewed the security measures in place for the protection of foreigners, especially Chinese citizens. 

Federal Interior Secretary Khurram Ali Agha, Nacta head Muhammad Tahir Rai, and officials of other institutions also joined the meeting. 

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The minister directed the officials to ensure close coordination to protect the lives and properties of the masses and foreigners as well. He said regular monitoring of the security plan must be ensured at every level for its effective implementation. 

Officials briefed the minister on the security plan and measures being put in place to ensure protection of lives and properties.  

The minister said liaison among the departments would help thwart the nefarious designs of anti-state elements.

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