Anarchy and disorder will not be tolerated: PM Kakar

instigating civil servants

WEB DESK: In a statement issued today, caretaker Prime Minister (PM) Anwaar ul Haq Kakar emphasised that the recently concluded general elections in the country mark a significant stride towards promoting democracy.

The elections witnessed a substantial turnout from various segments of society, reflecting the active participation of both genders, a development that has been acknowledged internationally.

PM Kakar underscored the importance of recognising victory and defeat as inherent aspects of democratic processes. He urged all stakeholders to realise the significance of these elections and encouraged parties and individuals with concerns regarding electoral irregularities to pursue legal recourse through available channels.

Highlighting the resilience of Pakistan’s legislative, judicial, and executive branches, PM Kakar assured that impartial justice will be delivered to all. While peaceful protest and assembly are fundamental rights, he cautioned against any form of agitation, violence, or incitement to vigilantism.

The caretaker government asserts that the law will take its course without hesitation, emphasising that anarchy and disorder will not be tolerated during this critical time.

PM Kakar expressed concern about the potential exploitation of unrest by hostile forces, both domestic and foreign, to create law and order challenges.

He called for patience as political parties engage in consultations to form governments at both federal and provincial levels, adhering to democratic traditions and norms. The caretaker government hopes for a swift conclusion to this process through mutual understanding and respect.

This statement reflects the caretaker government’s commitment to upholding democratic values, ensuring a fair electoral process, and maintaining stability in the country during the post-election period.

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