Canadian PM expresses concern, support for Gaza

Justin Trudeau on Gaza

OTTAWA: In a statement issued today, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau expressed deep concern about the dire humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip and called for the unimpeded humanitarian access to address the urgent needs of civilians. Trudeau also emphasised the importance of respecting international law, including humanitarian and human rights law, in the ongoing crisis.

Trudeau’s statement read, “Canada is deeply concerned by the dire humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip. We are working closely with allies and partners in the region to do everything we can to support affected Canadian citizens, including assistance departing from Gaza, the West Bank, and Israel as quickly and safely as possible.”

The Canadian PM went on to underscore the importance of unimpeded access for humanitarian relief, stating, “The rapid and unimpeded access of relief via a humanitarian corridor is essential to address the urgent needs of civilians in Gaza. International law, including humanitarian and human rights law, must be respected, and civilians, journalists, humanitarian workers, and medical personnel must be protected.”

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Trudeau expressed his condolences for those affected by the ongoing crisis, saying, “The loss of civilian life is deeply disturbing, and our heartfelt condolences are with all those whose families and communities have been affected. Canadians and people around the world must be steadfast in our support for the protection of civilians, both Israeli and Palestinian.”

Furthermore, he announced Canada’s commitment to provide humanitarian assistance to the region. He stated, “Canada will continue to support civilians of Gaza facing urgent humanitarian needs. Our initial commitment of $10 million in humanitarian assistance to trusted partners will provide food, water, emergency medical assistance, and protection services to those affected by the crisis in Gaza, the West Bank, and Israel, none of which will go to Hamas,” adding, “We will continue to coordinate closely with our international partners, including through the current visit to the region by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mélanie Joly.”

Trudeau also addressed the issue of terrorism and stated that “Terrorism is always indefensible, and nothing can justify Hamas’ acts of terror and the killing, maiming, and abduction of Israeli civilians. Hamas does not represent the Palestinian people nor their legitimate aspirations. Canada fully supports Israel’s right to defend itself in accordance with international law. We continue to call for the immediate release of all hostages and demand that they be treated in accordance with international law.”

In conclusion, Prime Minister Trudeau reiterated Canada’s commitment to the peaceful coexistence of the Israeli and Palestinian peoples, stating, “Canada stands firmly with the Israeli and Palestinian peoples in their right to live in peace, security, with dignity and without fear.”

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