Iran asserts “legitimate defense” against Israeli aggression

Israel-Iran conflict

NEW YORK: The Permanent Mission of Islamic Republic of Iran to United Nations (UN) asserted that Iran undertook a military action against Israel under “the provisions of article 51 of the UN Charter”.

In a post on social media platform X (formerly Twitter), the official account of the country’s Permanent Mission to the UN cited “legitimate defense against the Zionist regime’s [state of Israel] aggression”.

The post stated that “conducted on the strength of article 51 of the UN Charter pertaining to legitimate defense, Iran’s military action was in response to the Zionist regime’s aggression against our diplomatic premises in Damascus”

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In the post, the Iranian authorities considered the incident as concluded. However, they issued a stern warning that should Israel carry out further provocations, Iran would respond in kind.

“The matter can be deemed concluded. However, should the Israeli regime make another mistake, Iran’s response will be considerably more severe”.

The post framed the retaliation by Iran as a conflict involving Iran and Israel only, warning the latter’s ally United States to abstain from involvement.

“It is a conflict between Iran and the rogue Israeli regime, from which the US MUST STAY AWAY!”

The situation escalated following an attack on Iranian consulate in Damascus, Syria. Tensions in the region peaked when Iran launched drones and even reportedly a ballistic missile at Israel in retaliation of the consulate attack. Iran has blamed Israel for the attack, who has neither denied nor confirmed responsibility for the attack.

International observers including the US are closely monitoring developments with the risk of a bigger confrontation looming large.

Read more: Countries close airspace amid Iranian strike on Israel

Donald Trump weighs in

Meanwhile, former President of US Donald Trump currently embroiled in multiple legal battles while contesting the upcoming US presidential elections in November, weighed on the current escalating crisis.

On his social media platform Truth Social, the former president remarked that “ISRAEL IS UNDER ATTACK! This should never have been allowed to happen – This [sic] would NEVER have happened if I were President!”

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