Police enter Columbia University building occupied by pro-Palestine protesters

Heavy contingent of police officers from the New York Police Department started entering Columbia University's Hamilton Hall occupied by pro-Palestine protesters.

NEW YORK: Heavy contingent of police officers from the New York Police Department (NYPD) have started entering Columbia University in early late hours of Tuesday.

Eyewitness accounts and videos posted online recount NYPD officers entering the university in an effort to forcibly remove pro-Palestinian protesters.

Several pro-Palestine students had occupied a building on campus to protest Israeli atrocities in Gaza on Tuesday. As per Reuters, the protesting students occupied a building called the Hamilton Hall. They raised a banner titled “Hind’s Hall”, a reference to a six-year old child killed by Israeli military in Gaza.

Read more: Columbia University threatens to expel pro-Palestinian protesters occupying building

Previously, the university administration had threatened to expel students protesting against Israel atrocities against Palestinians in the current war.

Pro-Palestinian protests have grown across the US in recent weeks with several students demonstrating against the US government’s diplomatic, financial and arms support for Israeli government. As per Gaza health ministry, more than 34,000 Palestinians have been killed by Israel since October last year.

Read more: Former Google employees say firings for protesting Israel contract were illegal

Pro-Palestinian protestors in Columbia University in particular are calling for the university to pull investments from companies benefiting from the Gaza war.

More to follow

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