UN Afghanistan contact group held up over inclusion dispute

Afghanistan contact group

KABUL: Progress towards establishing a regional contact group on Afghanistan has come to a standstill, with participating nations at odds over the composition of the proposed coalition.

This initiative emerged from a call by UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres following a recent conference in Doha aimed at mapping out Afghanistan’s future trajectory. Representatives from 25 countries and Afghan civil society convened in the Qatari capital to strategise engagement with Kabul’s Taliban-led government, ensuring alignment with global obligations.

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A key aspect of the proposal involved appointing a UN special envoy for Afghanistan, an idea rejected by Taliban authorities. Simultaneously, the UN secretary-general proposed forming a contact group dedicated to Afghan affairs, inviting immediate neighbours and other stakeholders to join.

However, disagreement over India’s inclusion in the regional coalition has halted progress, diplomatic sources revealed. Pakistan’s reservations about India’s role in Afghanistan, rooted in historical tensions, underpin this impasse.

While Pakistan’s relationship with the Taliban government remains strained, India has ramped up its involvement in Kabul. The proposal’s delay underscores broader challenges in navigating Afghanistan’s geopolitical dynamics.

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UN efforts aim to coordinate engagement with the Taliban government, which has surprised many with its hardline policies, defying expectations of moderation. This presents a conundrum for the international community, balancing diplomatic engagement with accountability for the Taliban’s actions.

An upcoming UN delegation visit to Kabul intends to underscore the repercussions of the Taliban’s stance, particularly in terms of humanitarian aid. Without international recognition, Afghanistan risks further isolation, deepening the country’s humanitarian and economic woes.

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