


Govt helping Pakistani-Germans reclaim nationality

German nationality

ISLAMABAD: The Government of Pakistan is taking substantial measures to help members of the Pakistani diaspora in Germany in reclaiming their nationality, following a major policy change in Germany that allows dual citizenship. 

According to a report submitted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to the Senate, Germany passed a new law on June 27, 2024, enabling individuals to retain their original nationality while acquiring German citizenship. 

In response to this development, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Pakistan Embassy in Berlin have urged the Ministry of Interior to either sign a Dual Nationality Agreement with Germany or introduce amendments to Pakistan’s citizenship laws. Such changes would allow German citizens of Pakistani origin to reclaim the Pakistani nationality they had renounced upon acquiring German citizenship. 

Currently, Pakistan permits dual nationality only for children born in Germany to Pakistani parents, enabling them to hold both German and Pakistani citizenship. However, existing laws prevent individuals who relinquished their Pakistani nationality from regaining it. 

Last year, the Directorate General of Immigration and Passports (IMPASS) issued a No Objection Certificate (NOC) to the Ministry of Interior, proposing amendments to Section 14-A of the Pakistan Citizenship Act of 1951. If passed by the Parliament, the amended act would allow Pakistani citizens who renounced their nationality in the past to reclaim it. 

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has emphasized the importance of expediting this process, highlighting the potential benefits for the large Pakistani community in Germany, many of whom are eager to regain their Pakistani nationality under the proposed dual citizenship framework. 

Pakistanis have been traveling to Germany to either pursue higher education or professional career since 1900. Even ‘the poet of the East Allama Muhammad Iqbal went to Germany in 1907 to pursue a doctorate in Philosophy.

According to the Foreign Ministry, currently about ­­131,500 persons of Pakistani nationality/ origin are living in various parts of Germany, out of whom 76,000 are Pakistani citizens while around 30,000 are naturalized as German nationals.

Similarly, there are over 9000 Pakistani students currently enrolled in German universities and institutes.

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