



When I eloped, it shattered my mother’s heart: Zeenat Aman

zeenat aman

WEB DESK: Veteran Bollywood actress Zeenat Aman has shared her emotional journey, touching upon her decision to elope and marry her husband Mazhar Khan, and the impact it had on her mother.

Amidst recent headlines championing live-in relationships, she delved into her personal history, shedding light on her mother’s initial heartbreak followed by a renewed sense of joy and connection.

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Taking to Instagram, Zeenat Aman shared nostalgic photographs of her parents, reminiscing about her mother’s remarkable resilience and determination. She recounted her mother’s journey of independence, navigating separation from her father in the 1950s and emerging as a successful working woman, ensuring Zeenat’s education at prestigious boarding schools.

In her poignant tribute, she described her mother as an extraordinary woman ahead of her time, embodying grace, beauty, and intelligence. Despite the challenges of single parenthood, her mother selflessly devoted herself to Zeenat’s upbringing, later becoming her manager when she pursued a career in acting.

Reflecting on their relationship, Zeenat Aman revealed the occasional clash over her choice of partner, acknowledging her mother’s protective instincts. However, amidst any discord, their bond remained unbreakable, with Zeenat finding solace in her mother’s presence during times of turmoil.

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Acknowledging the pain caused by her elopement, Zeenat Aman revealed that the birth of her first son, coinciding with her mother’s birthday, brought healing and renewed connection between them.

With her mother’s passing in 1995, she expressed a profound sense of loss, cherishing the memories and photographs that serve as a reminder of her mother’s unwavering love and support.

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