


Pakistan may end free electricity perks for DISCOs and GENCOs officers

electricity prices

WEB DESK: Pakistan is expected to discontinue the provision of free electricity units to officers in both distribution companies (DISCOs) and generation companies (GENCOs).

The decision is set to be formalised during an upcoming meeting of the Cabinet Committee on Energy (CCoE).

As per the proposed changes outlined in the summary, officers belonging to grades 17 to 22 within the power division will transition from the current system of free electricity units to a utility allowance.

According to ARY News, under the new arrangement, officers in the 17th grade of DISCOs will receive a monthly utility allowance of Rs15,858 in lieu of the previous provision of 450 free units.

Simultaneously, officers in DISCOs ranging from grades 18 to 21 will receive monthly utility allowances of Rs21,996, Rs37,594, Rs46,922, and Rs55,536, respectively.

Likewise, officers in GENCOs who are in the 17th grade are anticipated to be granted a monthly utility allowance of Rs24,570. Officers in the 18th grade will receive Rs26,460 monthly instead of the earlier entitlement of 700 free electricity units.

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For officers in GENCOs from grades 19 to 21, the proposed monthly utility allowances stand at Rs42,720, Rs46,992, and Rs55,536, respectively.

This decision follows a recent protest by the Water and Power Development Authority (WAPDA) Employees Union in Lahore, where employees demonstrated against the potential discontinuation of the free power facility.

The protest was triggered by rumors indicating that the caretaker government was contemplating ending the provision of free electricity for WAPDA employees.

The President of the WAPDA Union sternly warned of a ‘strong’ reaction if this vital facility was revoked.

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