Budget FY 2024-25: PPP steps back; no unconditional support for PML-N


ISLAMABAD: The Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) has declined to offer unconditional support to the Pakistan Muslim League Nawaz (PML-N) led federal government for the budget FY 2024-25.

Media reports indicate that a recent meeting between Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif and PPP Chairman Bilawal Bhutto Zardari ended without a definitive commitment from the PPP. Government’s allied PPP maintained its previous stance, insisting on the implementation of their demands before extending any support for the budget.

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Despite the government’s appeal for PPP’s assistance in passing the Budget 2024-25, the PPP has reiterated that it requires adherence to a written agreement on their demands. Sources revealed that the government has yet to provide a specific timeline for addressing these demands.

During the meeting, Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif emphasised the importance of all political parties working together for the nation’s development and public welfare. He highlighted that consultations were held with the PPP regarding the budget. Notably, Bilawal Bhutto Zardari did not attend the budget session on June 12, citing the government’s failure to consult the PPP during the budget’s preparation.

Previously, Adviser to the Prime Minister on Political Affairs Rana Sanaullah had acknowledged the legitimacy of PPP’s objections to the budget. He admitted that there had been a lack of consultation with the PPP but assured that their concerns would be addressed before the budget’s final approval.

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“Their [PPP] concerns are valid, but it wasn’t like they weren’t consulted at all. Yes, there was some lack from our side. However, the budget isn’t finalised yet; we’re still taking proposals,” he had said.

Finance Minister Aurangzeb presented Rs 18.877 trillion federal budget for the fiscal year 2024-25 on June 12. – INP

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